How does everyone feel about Bill Potts?
I just started Dr. Who for the 1st time a couple of years ago and stopped watching once Capaldi took over. However, I recently started over and kept watching the Capaldi years and am glad I did, I really enjoyed the rest of Clara’s story and Capaldi’s Dr. really grew on me. I knew Bill Potts was coming up and I was kind of dreading it because I thought I would hate it… BUT I LOVE BILL! Dr. Who keeps impressing me; just when I think it’s gonna lose me, I just keep loving it. What’s everyone else’s thoughts on this era?
I just started Dr. Who for the 1st time a couple of years ago and stopped watching once Capaldi took over. However, I recently started over and kept watching the Capaldi years and am glad I did, I really enjoyed the rest of Clara’s story and Capaldi’s Dr. really grew on me. I knew Bill Potts was coming up and I was kind of dreading it because I thought I would hate it… BUT I LOVE BILL! Dr. Who keeps impressing me; just when I think it’s gonna lose me, I just keep loving it. What’s everyone else’s thoughts on this era?